

Product Name Maize
Variety Yellow Corn
Origin Native to Americas
Scientific Name Zea mays
Color Yellow
Size Variable, typically medium to large
Shape Oblong kernels arranged in rows on cob
Taste Sweet, starchy
Nutritional Value High in carbohydrates, moderate in protein and fiber
Uses Food for human consumption, animal feed, ethanol production, and various industrial applications
Harvest Season Typically harvested in late summer to early autumn
Storage Store in cool, dry conditions; preferably in airtight containers to prevent moisture and pest infestation
Shelf Life Several months to a year, depending on storage conditions
Common Countries of Production United States, China, Brazil, Argentina, India
GMO Status Some varieties may be genetically modified for traits like pest resistance and herbicide tolerance
Environmental Impact Can be grown with heavy water and pesticide usage, impacting local ecosystems; varies based on farming practices
Packaging Bulk bags, sacks, or containers for commercial distribution; smaller quantities may be sold in packaging such as plastic bags or jars