

Product Name Tomato
Variety Commonly used varieties include Beefsteak, Cherry, Roma,
Grape, and Heirloom
Origin Various countries including but not limited to Italy, Spain, United
States, and Mexico
Appearance Round or oval-shaped, smooth skin, vibrant red color when ripe
Size Varies based on variety; typically ranging from small cherry
tomatoes to large
beefsteak tomatoes
Taste Sweet and tangy flavor, depending on ripeness and variety
Texture Juicy flesh with small seeds embedded; firm but yielding when
Nutritional Value Rich in vitamins C, A, and K; good source of antioxidants, fiber
, and potassium
Storage Store at room temperature until ripe, then refrigerate to prolong
shelf life
Common Uses Salads, sandwiches, sauces, soups, garnishes, and as a
standalone snack
Seasonality Typically available year-round in most regions, with peak
seasons varying by
Health Benefits Low in calories, cholesterol-free, and high in essential nutrients;
may contribute to
heart health, skin health, and overall well-being
Packaging Options Bulk crates, clamshell containers, plastic bags, or loose